Monday, July 4, 2011

BING, BANG, BOOM! Happy 4th of July!

Wow, I don't even know where to begin.  It's been a while since my last post with many runs in between.  I finally ran my longest run yet.  It was 14 miles and I ran it last Monday.  At mile 9 I had to stop at a convenience store to buy more water.  It was a rather hot day (in the 90s) and the clerk asked if I was running or walking.  I told her running and that I had 5 more miles to go.  She said I was crazy and I believe she is right.  The runs lately have been tougher than normal.  I'm now living at Stefhan's and it's a much hillier area.  The first mile is downhill, but everything thereafter is all uphill...sometimes gradual, sometimes steep, regardless, it's tough on the self-esteem.  Finishing a 14 mile run for your first time ever is incredibly humbling, especially when the last 3 miles are all uphill.

In the middle of this week I did a 5 miler in 96 degrees.  I brought Mogul with me and was worried about the heat.  Fortunately, at the half-way point, we arrived at Tanner Park dog park.  Mogul could cool himself down in the stream and drink a little water to keep him going.  You never would have known it was 96 degrees outside.  I almost jumped in with him but all the dogs in the water looked at me as if to say "No humans allowed". 

This week was my easier run week for recovery although it didn't feel any easier. I had my 10 mile run today on the 4th of July.  Luckily the skies were cloudy and there was a nice breeze.  With the breeze, came the amazing smells of everyone barbecuing and the smoke of fireworks.  Its really uplifting to run through the neighborhoods and see all the American flags that escorted me along the way.  It definitely reminds me of how lucky I am to be an American and to live in the greatest country in the world.  I'm lucky to be in a safe enough city to be able to run by my lonesome without the fear of suicide bombers or air raids.  While we have all seen our country through better times, I'm still constantly reminded how lucky I am and how much I love my friends and family from coast to coast, including those I haven't met yet.

I'm trying to stay positive with the running but the last few runs have been humbling.  A week from today will be my next longest run, 16 miles.  I really don't know how I'll muster the strength, so I could really use some positive thinking.  I barely survived 10 today, it's hard for me to even imagine another 6.  I think I'll just cheat this time and run most of it downhill and catch a ride back...I'm really over all the hills.

The pics below are from Mogul's cooling off in Tanner Park.

I hope everyone is doing well and thanks for reading!